Prehypertension monitor for young adults
Lo is a wearable device for young adults that encourages blood pressure awareness and promotes positive lifestyle changes. This device is a discrete wearable that continuously records blood pressure data. With a simplified breakdown of information, Lo users are able to set achievable blood pressure goals within the app. The wearable device displays five LED lights that coincide with these set goals, making it simple to understand blood pressure improvements. Haptic feedback from Lo gives users a sense of progression, “tapping” the wrist when positive action is taken towards a goal. With these tools, young adults are able to understand and use blood pressure data to improve the health of their future.
Partner project - With critique from Fujifilm Sonosite
6 weeks, Winter 2020
Personal roles
CAD modeling
App design
Shared roles

50% of adults in the US have high blood pressure.
Prehypertension begins to influence heart function in the early years of adult life. This can lead to heart disease and permanent damage by middle age. Finding a solution that seamlessly equips young adults with the tools to take charge of their blood pressure habits is important to stop the problem before it gets too drastic.

Storyboard persona
Meet Watson,
A 19 year old student from Boston starting that new college lifestyle!
Recently finding out he has prehypertension, Watson decides to use his new college transition as a marker to start making healthier lifestyle choices. He sets goals to use the recreational gym on campus and take nutrition classes. When he starts this new routine, Watson is planning to record his blood pressure progress a few times throughout the week.
Watson's college goals:
- Healthy eating
- Exercise routine
- Turn in assignments on time
- Record blood pressure twice a week
- Make new friends on campus

Research insights

Design goal
Create a tool for young adults that encourages blood pressure awareness and promotes positive lifestyle change.
Design process
Starting with a wide variety of sketches, we soon narrowed in on a few directions that stood out as competitive ideas. With critique from Sonosite, we narrowed out five big concepts down to just two, and pushed forward with more sketching and prototyping. After further research we decided on the direction of the bracelet for the benefits it offered.

We established a few design benchmarks to meet moving forward with the design. Since we needed our work to feel cohesive with a final vision in mind, we had to establish a mood that fit what we were going for. Fashionable for the target market, soft form to bring the medical aspect in a more approachable form, and subtle indication to not distract the user with their goal in mind.

Form development
After establishing a mood, we went back to the drawing board to figure out the form of Lo. Including things such as a soft indicated touch point with hidden lights, approachable forms, and trying to keep a fashionable aesthetic.

Final form and CMF
Refining the details
At this point we had the general form, and the necessary features locked down. Our final step was to refine the smaller details such as how the component housing fit into the end of the bands along with CMF.
It was important for us to include metal accents in Lo to give the feel of jewelry and class. Since this is a fashion piece, second to being a medical device, we needed to target accessory fashion trends of our target market.

Set blood pressure goals with Lo's app.
Main screen
Lets users quickly view their blood pressure trends over time. A more reliable representation of heart health than a single measurement.
Swipe left
To see current blood pressure readings, personalized notes, and educational information.
Achieving your goals!
The lights on the surface of Lo act as markers toward user goals.
More lights = Closer to goal
Minimal information is displayed to keep the users eye on the prize! Just tap the surface to reveal these lights.

A removable silicone band and face casing allows user flexibility to match their current style preferences, adding longevity to the tech components. Metal tech housing and bands gives the medical companion a jewelry aesthetic.

Blood pressure through light sensors
Photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor takes blood pressure by measuring changes in light absorption. This is the result of blood volume fluctuations in microvascular tissue.
Integrated on the back of the housing, this allows Lo to consistently record users blood pressure changes.

Easily charge the battery by removing the bracelet cap and syncing Lo up to a magnetic charging cord.